
the purpose of engagement {san antonio christian wedding planner}

An engagement is defined as a "pledge of marriage."  When you ask most brides why there is an "engagement period," most will say it is so they will have time to plan their wedding.  While this is fine and true, the heart of the real answer lies more in the growth and readiness of the couple.

An engagement, whether 6 months or two years, allows the couple to learn about each other's marriage expectations, priorities, and lay out a spiritual map for their future. During the time leading up to your wedding you should have a surplus of love, excitement, and PRAYER! That time is perfect to truly bathe your relationship in prayer...pray a protection over your marriage for years to come.

I am also a firm believer in pre-marital counseling.  And no, I'm not talking about the one day cram session.  I'm talking about forming a mentor friendship with someone who can help you along the way. Wisdom is precious and fleeting.  Grab it and soak it all in!

What did you enjoy or are you enjoying most about your engagement time?

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