
New Year's Resolutions for Us All {san antonio event planner}

It's almost 2011...can you believe it?  If you are like most of the population, you have a few things on your mind today which most likely include: what you'll be wearing tonight, who you'll be kissing at midnight, and your resolutions for 2011.  I believe resolutions are a wonderful thing, if used correctly.  There is a distinct difference between goals and resolutions.  Your resolution should be a healthy, positive, and all-encompassing statement about the person you want to be.  Your goals should be concrete, attainable, and specific.  For example, maybe your goals are something like this:

1.  Clean out the garage
2.  Save $$ for our family vacation in September
3.  Get back in touch with an old friend

I could go on now to list examples of resolutions, but after much deliberate thought, I have come to the conclusion that just one resolution is needed for us all.

My New Year's Resolution for 2011 is to take care of myself:
mentally, physically, and spiritually.

1. Mentally:  Read what you love, not just what you have to. Challenge yourself. Be a lifelong learner. Listen to others, learn from others. Clear your mind each day. Engage yourself in face to face conversation.

2. Physically:  De-stress multiple times a day, your own way.  Exercise for your health, your family, and your overall sense of well being. Get some sleep. Hug more. Don't be afraid to pamper yourself.

3. Spiritually:  Spend time alone with God each day. Pray with your family. Run to God first in times of trouble. Thank Him for all that you have been given and entrusted.

Thank you all for your conversations, friendship and support.  Country Sugar has had a very exciting year and I am excited to see what 2011 holds.  I wish you and your family a very happy, safe, and healthy New Year with a 2011 full of blessings.


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